Independent Living Empowers Your Loved Ones in Nebraska

Independent Living Empowers Your Loved Ones in Nebraska

Independent Living Empowers Your Loved Ones in Nebraska

At Hands of Heartland, our mission as an independent living services provider in Omaha, Bellevue, and now Lincoln, is one of enabling disabled people to be able to experience life, employment and independence within their Nebraska community. This focus on independence has been a driving force behind every one of our habilitative programs. That’s because we base our entire philosophy around the simple premise that people with developmental disabilities are, above any other identifying factor, people who have the right to independence and should be allowed to learn how to best interact with their surroundings.
Ready to help your loved one find independence in Nebraska?

In this blog, we are going to explore three very important benefits this approach of promoting independent living provides to people with developmental disabilities.

Promote Self-Representation In Day-to-Day Matters

In the past, people with developmental disabilities were largely treated as being unable to make decisions for themselves or have any agency over their own lives. As we have found through the various levels of support we offer, by allowing people with IDD to live in pairs supported by caregivers, they are able to develop life skills and make decisions for themselves that impact their daily lives. They learn to care for themselves, cook for themselves, and take care of the spaces for which they are responsible.

This sense of accountability then begins to filter into other behaviors and can be further applied outside of the house as they become more capable of participating with supported employment programs, habilitative vocational activities, and other training programs designed to provide them with access to income and increased financial independence.

Through the independence provided by an income, they can start to interact with their family not as someone only to be cared for and to be managed, but to be respected and seen as even an equal able to contribute to the wellbeing of themselves and the family. Their family will be able to see them as capable of making decisions and trust that they are able to exist beyond the boundaries of an in-home care-giver’s constant oversight.

Eliminate the Outdated Stigma of Institutionalized Care

Because of the success of independent living programs such as those at Hands of Heartland, people with IDD are seen as people capable of living on their own with limited assistance. They are seen as coworkers, and contributors to the wellbeing of the local community. No longer is it considered proper to hold vocational rehabilitation programs isolated from the rest of the community.

Minimize Medication As the Sole Solution

Medication was historically used in many instances where medical and developmental conditions manifested in disruptive behaviors. It was thought that this was the only solution to keep the peace, sometimes even to keep the people safe. As the treatment and care community have over time developed a more complex and informed understanding of some of the behaviors that result from IDD and other disabilities, medication is used in more of a support role rather than a primary method of treatment. Instead, independent living arrangements help to give individuals with disabilities more control over their environments, resulting in less triggers of negative behaviors. Because the living strategies also often include professional trained caregivers, the residents are taught how to best cope with triggering situations given their personal conditions and needs. This proactive, behavioral approach goes a long way towards providing the people with more agency and an increased sense of self control that can translate beyond the living environment as well.

Hands of Heartland: Premier Provider of Independent Living Services Across Nebraska

Whether you’re seeking independent living services in Omaha, Bellevue, or Lincoln, Hands of Heartland has a solution for your family. Our programs are designed to cater to the specific needs of the residents, both with and without onsite care-givers. To learn more about our independent living services and other programs designed to promote self-sufficiency and independence, contact the Hands of Heartland nearest you to schedule a tour.

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