Employment Tips For People With Disabilities in Nebraska

Employment Tips For People With Disabilities in Nebraska

Employment Tips For People With Disabilities in Nebraska

While many companies advocate and implement a system of diverse and inclusive culture in the workplace, many are still unsure how to support people with disabilities. Whether you’re an individual with a disability or have a loved one with a disability in Nebraska, we think it’s important for you to know that there are supported employment opportunities available in your area.

Many individuals, parents, and caregivers today are empowered to find employment opportunities to help develop the skills needed to start working in their communities. At Hands of Heartland, we believe in the abilities of the people with support. That is why we facilitate employment in various community jobs. Our supported employment service helps you achieve this goal in a competitive work environment. Here are the tips you can use when looking to work in Nebraska.

Start planning as early as possible

Make contact with your local Vocational Rehabilitation office. They will help to make sure you are on the right track while preparing for employment. (Share VR’s mission statement-on website)

Learn About Services Offered Within Your Community

At Hands of Heartland, we’re a vocational rehabilitation provider and supported employment provider through Developmental Disabilities in the State of Nebraska. This program is designed to provide people with a way to get competitive employment in various community opportunities throughout Nebraska. You can call our team anytime to enquire about this service or get more information.

Don’t Get Discouraged

Sometimes, you may feel as if the jobs aren’t there and begin to lose hope. In such a situation, step back, reflect, change, and build confidence. Please don’t focus on the negative outcomes, as they can cause you to become pessimistic. Instead of focusing on your disability, focus on your abilities. You can do and say many things to remain positive in life and even in your work environment, such as what you like most about your job.

Let’s Get You Started on Supported Employment Today

Hands of Heartland is focused on ensuring that every job skill you have is put to good use. We work to ensure that you get the assistance you need to be successful in your workplace. Contact us or visit us to learn more about supported employment today.