Supported Employment

Supported employment offers tailored on-the-job assistance, helping individuals thrive in their chosen careers. It offers an avenue to competitive employment and a connection to potential employers. People can receive on-the-job training alongside people without disabilities giving them practical experience in social, vocational, and daily living skills. This real-world experience is invaluable and benefits the individual, job coach, employers, and family members.

Impact on the Person

Vocational coaches help people identify employment opportunities and discover which jobs appeal to them. The independence and skills developed through this process carries into the new workplace giving the employee the confidence and increased comfort in their new role. People are provided support and guidance to improve their social and daily living skills and are learning transferable vocational skills which they’ll enjoy throughout their lives. Over time many individuals become less dependent on their coach and are recognized as valuable members of the employers’ workforce.

Impact on the Employer

Employers benefit in countless ways – the other employees often experience an increase in morale which drives innovation, productivity, and market growth. When employers embrace diversity and a strong company culture, they out-perform competitors. Everyone wins when leadership and employees embrace open communication and explore welcoming, thoughtful approaches to standard business practices.

Impact on the Family

Family members (who are often caregivers) benefit because this provides an avenue of socialization, accomplishment, and productivity for their loved one. This offers the caregiver personal time and allows everyone in the family to achieve a fulfilling degree of freedom and independence. The new income stream can positively impact a family unit as well and offer some financial relief.

We Are Family

Parents share how Hands of Heartland has made a difference in the lives of their children.

Other Employment Support Services

Vocational Rehab
A job training and placement program that empowers and fosters confidence, independence, and achievement in the workplace

For More Information

Speak with one of our team members to see how we can help you enable someone with developmental disabilities.